Why is your child so naughty or where did you make a mistake in parenting

Some mistakes of parents almost always lead to the fact that their child grows up disobedient and disrespectful to them and other people. And almost all of them stem from the self-doubt of the parents themselves. Here are the most common of these "fatal" mistakes, the consequences of which are so difficult to fix.

Constant doubts

The inability to insist on your own and the constant change of opinion undermines the children's trust in you. Even at a very young age. If you say "no" at first, and then the child still achieves what he wants, over time it will be almost impossible to return the weight to your words. The child simply will not consider it necessary to fulfill the requirements or requests of a parent who is so inconsistent.

Unnecessary talk

It would seem that what could be wrong with explaining the ban? However, at some point, children, especially small ones, simply stop perceiving your flow of speech. Talk to the child gently, briefly and clearly. It will be easier for both of you.

It is also worth saying that your own fears are projected in one way or another in the detailed explanations of the ban. This can be detrimental to the development of the child's personality. Think carefully before "giving a speech" to your child. And throw out everything that is not necessary to say.

Too equal relationship

No matter how hard you try to build a friendly relationship with your child, it is impossible to fully do this. The parent will always be in the upper, protective position. If you manage to change this, your child will be half an orphan, at least psychologically. As a result, he will constantly feel unhappy and lonely, even though it will seem to you that you are paying him more than enough attention.

The establishment of appropriate boundaries is simply necessary. Their absence will at least lead to a feeling of constant anxiety in the child, and the maximum harm to the child's psyche, now or in the future, is completely impossible to predict.


Everyone knows that it is impossible to beat children, because it teaches children to solve problems with violence. Children who have been beaten by their parents are more likely to grow up undisciplined, aggressive and experience various other problems. The fact that physical punishments were a normal practice in the recent past does not make them even partially acceptable. Often parents, on the contrary, let children get away with what they allow themselves to beat them. This is just as monstrous and absolutely unacceptable. Homemade porn https://www.amateurest.com/ USA.