Ranking System

Hakko Denshin Ryu Ju Jutsu has the following ranking system. These are listed in the order at which everyone must test, pass, and be graded to in HDJF Dojos in Canada.




White Hachikyu Everyone starts somewhere.
Yellow Nanakyu 1st belt tested for in the ranking system.
Orange Rokkyu Introduction to Tachi Waza.
Green Gokyu 1st Green. Must perform all 21 Waza.
Green Yonkyu Clear understanding of all Waza and Henka (applications).
Brown Sankyu Introduction to weapons and Law Enforcement training.
Brown Nikyu Introduction to instructing and advanced techniques.
Brown Ikkyu Techniques must be polished and instructional experience necessary.
Black Shodan 1st Degree – Basic level of Black Belt.
Black Nidan 2nd Degree – Black Belt.
Black Sandan 3rd Degree – Black Belt.
Black Yondan 4th Degree – Black Belt.
Purple Shihan
(5th& 6th Degree)
Mastery of Secret Techniques. Student must be invited to this special training.
Purple Renshi Shihan Has reviewed and assisted with the instruction of the secret techniques. Student must be invited to this special training.
Purple Kaiden
(7th Degree)
Deepest Mysteries. Student must be invited to this special training.
Purple Menkyo Kaiden
(8th Degree)
License to Teach: This title, if awarded will permit the person to teach and pass on the art.
Purple Menkyo Kaiden Shihan Sandai Kichu
(9th Degree)
Three Great Pillars / Concepts. Student must be invited to this special training.